Phrases You Need to Know in Italian

Italy travel tips - useful phrases to learn for your trip to Italy

If you're planning on visiting Italy then it'due south a expert idea to learn some key words and sentences. In this guide to basic Italian phrases for travel, nosotros step you through the well-nigh useful ways to communicate on your trip to Italian republic. Afterwards all, language is a big function of Italian culture and y'all want to experience it all, am I right?

Making an try to understand and speak Italian on your trip is non but a matter of respect – although nosotros think this is very important besides. When y'all talk to people in their language they capeesh it and experiences open up to you that would not take been possible if you had been speaking English language.

So let's get started with the common Italian phrases and words that volition exist most useful to you on your travels.

Basic Italian phrases

useful italian phrases and words

When you visit Italy, these are the most common words and phrases that will demonstrate you have made some attempt to speak the local language. Learning these useful Italian words will help you talk to all style of people during your trip.

Note – We've provided a phonetic pronunciation guide afterward the Italian translation for each word. If y'all really want to get the emphasis right a little actress study is recommended. We've provided some useful resources at the cease of this article.

  • Aye – Si See

  • No – No Noh

  • Please – Per favore Pehr fah-voh-reh

  • Thank you – Grazie Grah-tsee-eh

  • You're welcome – Prego Preh-goh

  • Cheers! (To your wellness) – Salute! Sah-loo-tay

  • Excuse me (for attention) – Scusi S kooh zee

  • Excuse me (to pass by) – Permesso Pehr-mehs-soh

  • Exercise you lot speak English language? – Parla Inglese? Parh-la een-glay-zeh

  • I don't understand – Non capisco Non kah-pee-skoh

  • I'thousand deplorable – Mi dispiace Mee dees-pyah-cheh

common italian phrases

Common greetings in Italian

One thing we really love about visiting Italy is the cultural differences and norms. In Italy, saying "good morning" is not simply a throwaway line. You should always greet people wherever you lot go – when entering a shop or restaurant, to hotel staff, on the bus or at a cultural sight. It's the expected affair to do.

A friendly "buon giorno!" with a smiling volition get a long style. So here are the most common greetings and their context so y'all get it right! Generally yous use the formal with people yous don't know, especially older people. The informal is used between friends.

  • Good forenoon (formal) – Buon giorno Bwohn-johr-noh

  • Adept afternoon (formal) – Buona sera Bwoh-nah-seh-rah

  • Good night (formal) – Buona notte B woh nah noh teh

  • Hi / Farewell (informal) – Ciao! C how

  • Adept bye (formal) – Arrivederci A hour-ree-veh-dehr-chee

  • My proper noun is … – Mi chiamo Mee kyah-moh

  • What is your proper name? – Come si chiama? Koh-meh see kyah-mah?

  • Pleased to meet you – Piacere Pyah-cheh-reh

  • How are you? (formal) – Come up sta? Koh-meh stah?

  • Good thank yous – Bene grazie B eh-nehgrah-tsee-eh

Learn to speak the Italian you need for your trip in ii weeks with the super quick method created by our friends at the Intrepid Guide > click here for details


While you don't need to exist able to count to 100, a good grasp of numbers upwards to 12 at least (for the hours of the solar day) volition stand you in skilful stead. After all, y'all demand numbers when y'all're at a eatery – una pizza per favore! (a pizza please!); at a museum –

  • 1 – Uno Oo-noh

  • 2 – Due Doo -eh

  • 3 – Tre Treh

  • 4 – Quattro Kwah-troh

  • 5 – Cinque Cheen -kweh

  • Half dozen – Sei  – Say

  • Seven – Sette Seht-tey

  • Viii – Otto Oh -toh

  • Ix – Nove Noh-veh

  • Ten – Dieci Dee-EH-chee

  • Eleven – Undici Oon dee-chee

  • Twelve – Dodici Doh-dee-chee

To learn more than near counting in Italian click hither

Telling the time and days of the calendar week

Hither are the basics of telling time in Italian plus days of the week and other useful sentences for making reservations and plans. Italians mostly use a 24 60 minutes clock but also understand the 12 hour clock if you lot specify morning and afternoon.

  • In the morning – Di Yard attina  – Dee mah-teen-ah

  • In the afternoon – Di p omeriggio Dee poh-meh-reed-joh

  • In the evening – Di Sera Dee se h rah

  • Noon – Mezzogiorno Mehd-dzoh-johr-noh

  • At what time? – A che ora? Ah kay oar-ah?

  • Ix o'clock in the morn – Le nove Le noh-vay

  • Eight o'clock in the evening – Le otto di sera / Le ot-to dee seh-rah

  • Monday – Lunedì  – Loo-neh-dee

  • Tuesday – Martedì Mahr-teh-dee

  • Wednesday – Mercoledì Mehr-koh-leh-dee

  • Thursday – Giovedì Joh-veh-dee

  • Friday – Venerdì Veh-nehr-dee

  • Saturday – Sabato Sah-bah-toh

  • Sunday – Domenica Doh-meh-nee-kah

  • Today – Oggi Ohd-jee

  • Yesterday – Ieri Yeh-ree

  • Tomorrow – Domani Doh-mah-nee

Desire to speak more Italian?

Check out our review of Rocket Italian, one of the all-time online courses for learning Italian.

Useful phrases at restaurants

No your Italy trip includes a program to enjoy a few meals at restaurants. And we're sure ordering a gelato or two is as well high on your listing. Permit'due south get yous ready with these essential Italian phrases you need for ordering food or at restaurants. These may be the times that yous interact with Italians the most so practise your greetings too!

  • Tin I see the menu please? – Il menu, per favore Eel men-oo, pehr fah-voh-reh

  • What do you recommend? – Che cosa ci consiglia? Kay koh-za chee kon-seel-ya?

  • I'm allergic to… – Sono allergica/o a.. . Son -oh ah -ler-gee-koh / kah ah

  • Gluten / Dairy / Fish – Glutine / Lattecini / Pesce  – Gloo-teen-ay /  Lah-tay-cheen-ee / Pesh-ay

  • House wine – Vino della casa Vee -noh del-lah machine-sah

  • Red / white vino – Vino rosso / bianco Vee n oh ross-oh /  bee-ahn-koh

  • A glass / bottle – Una bicchiere / una bottiglia OO-nah beek-kyeh-reh / boht-tee-lyah

  • Appetizer – Antipasto  – Ahn -tee-pah-stoh

  • First class – Primo Pree-moh

  • 2d course – Secondo Sek -kon-doh

  • Dessert – Dolci Doll-chee

  • 2 flavors delight – Due gusti, per favore  – Doo-eh goo-stee, pehr fah-voh-reh

  • Where'due south the bath? – Dov'è il bagno?  – Doh-veh eel bahn-yoh?

  • The bank check (nib) please – Il conto, per favore Eel kon-toh, pehr fah-voh-reh

  • Can I pay by carte du jour? – Posso pagare con la carta? Pohs-soh pah-gah-reh kon la cahr-tah?

Words to know when you are visiting museums

Visiting museums and attractions is a large office of many Italian itineraries. In this department nosotros've given y'all some useful phrases in Italian to help you purchase tickets and ask common questions.

  • When does it open / close? – Quando si apri / chiude?  – Kwahn-doh encounter ah-pree / chee-oo-deh?

  • Two adults / one child – Due adulti / un bambino – Doo -eh ah-dool-tee / oon  bahm-bee-noh

  • 1 / ii ticket/southward – Un / due biglietto/i  – Oonbeel-notwithstanding-toh / tee

  • One senior – Un pensionato  – Oon pen-seyoh-nah-toh

  • One student – Uno studente Ooh-noh stoo-den-teh

  • Where is the bag shop / cloak room? – Dov'è la guardaroba? Doh-veh lah gard-ah-robe-ah?

Asking for directions in Italian

If yous get lost or demand help with directions, these helpful words in Italian will come up in handy.

  • Where is… ? – Dov'è…? – Doh-veh … ?

  • Archway – Entrata  – En -trah-tah

  • Exit – Uscita  – Ooh-shee-tah

  • Left – Sinistra  – See nee-stra

  • Right – Destra Deh-stra

  • Right – Uno studente Ooh-noh stoo-den-teh

  • Directly ahead – Dritto Dree-toh

  • Frontward – Avanti  – Ah-vahn-tee

  • Dorsum – Dietro Dee-et-roh

basic italian sentences

Useful words for transport and getting around

Nearly visitors to Italia will need to accept a railroad train or charabanc, or ride in a taxi. These phrases will be useful in these situations when it is probable you may need to enquire for aid to attain the correct platform or bus terminate.

  • Where is the train station? – Dov'è la stazione? Doh-veh lah stah-tzee-oh-neh?

  • Where is the jitney stop? – Dov'è la fermata Doh-veh lah fur-mah-tah?

  • 1 / ii ticket/south – Un / due biglietto/i  – Oonbeel-yet-toh / tee

  • Ane manner – Andata  – Ahn dah-tah

  • Return – Ritorno Ree-torn-oh

  • What platform for Rome? – Da quale binario per Roma? Dah kwah-lay bin-ah-rio pehr Roh-mah?

  • Newstand (for bus tickets) – Tabacchi  – Tah-dorsum-kee

Shopping words in Italian

Time to get shopping! Make sure yous're ready with these fundamental ph

  • I would like… – Vorrei…  – Vor-ray…

  • How much is this? – Quanto costa questo? Kwahn-toh kohs-tah kwehs-toh??

  • OK I'll take it – Va bene, lo prendo Five ah beh-neh, loh prehn-doh

  • I don't want it – Non lo voglio Due north ohn loh voh- lyoh

  • Can you lot send to…? – Quanto costa questo? Kwahn-toh kohs-tah kwehs-toh??

What to say if you need assist in Italian

We hope you never demand to utilize these phrases only it'southward a practiced thought to know them "but in example".

  • Help! – Aiuto! Ay-oo-toh!

  • I need a doc – Ho bisogno di un dottore Ho biz-ohn-nyo dee oon dot-tor-reh

  • Call the police – Chiami la polizia  – Kee-ya-mee la po-lee-zee-ah

  • Await out! – Attento!  – At ten-toh

  • Go abroad! – Vai via! Vy vee-ah!

basic italian sentences

Desire to become beyond basic Italian phrases for travel?

best way learn italian

These days at that place are a wealth of resources to help you acquire Italian. You can use handy apps, books and podcasts to get started and we outlined some of the all-time of these in this article.

But, if you desire to construct your own sentences and perfect your accent, a systematic approach with a proven method will aid you brand progress rapidly. After much trial and fault, we savour using Rocket Italian. This online course combines verbal cultural situation lessons with grammar and vocabulary to get yous speaking Italian apace. My accent too. improved significantly thanks to the vocalisation recognition tasks.

Planning a trip to Italy?

We love travel in Italy and sharing our knowledge. Read our Italy trip planning guide or bring together our FREE Italian republic travel planning community. Our 58,000+ members are happy to answer questions about your itinerary, how to get from identify to place, the all-time places to stay and fun things to practise.

Sign up for our news and podcast updates where we share mini guides, tips, exclusive deals and more than and we'll send yous our Italian republic Trip Planning Checklist to say grazie! >> click here to subscribe

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